Saturday, May 30, 2009

Expat Categories

By nature, humans like to create categories. Classifying helps us determine where we fit, helps us to remember, and defines the world around us. I am no different. Below is how I would classify the expats I have seen/met.

1) The Exploiter. This is always a male. They come here to take advantage of the cheap labor, corrupt government, and attractive women who want a better life. You'll see them in bars, high-end shopping malls or resorts. They always have a woman much younger and far more attractive than themselves. From my experience, they are typically Australian or British. To my knowledge, I don't work with any of these. They could care less about learning the language or customs. Everyone here should bow at their feet. Many have wives back in their home country, and a local "wife" here.

2) The Lifestyle Seekers. These are men - and a few women - who have come here to live lavishly in a low cost environment. They are usually older - late 40's - and in middle or senior management with their organizations. Many have a local spouse who is far better than they could attain had they remained in their country of origin and very likely married for looks. Others definitely married someone like they would have at home - someone who makes them happy. Most have decided that this is where they want to be for an extended period of time. They learn the language - thanks to their spouse (what British colonialists would have called a "sleeping dictionary") - have learned the customs and live like a wealthy local. I know several of these in my community and at work.

3) The Passing Through. This group is either a very young professional on their first international assignment or someone who, with their family, are veteran expats on yet another assignment. There are a lot more women in this group, though still dominated by men. The Passing Through group is here on a temporary assignment with no intentions of putting down roots and staying for a long time (though, some Lifestyle Seekers did start this way). I have met several, and work with a few, in this group. Embassy workers, product/brand managers, and financial professionals most commonly fall in this category. Most I've met are on their 3rd or 4th assignment and already know where they are going after this one.

The expat spouses have their own categories too: those that are happy here, those that are making the most of it, and those that are bitter and never let you forget it. We've met at least one of each of these, too.

My wife and I are in the third group. I could see myself in the second group, though I know my wife never could, so we'll always be Passing Through.


Anonymous said...

Go Jessica for being a passing through! Or we would never have you back!

Where is that video? Love, Mom

Wifey said...

No way, you couldn't go that long without football or Chipotle!