Our daughter is going through the obligatory "princess" phase and wants to play dress up a lot. Mommy, of course, is thrilled to take pictures of her when she does this.

When she isn't home playing dress up or with her toys, she's at Ballet, Summer Camp, or some park. Keeping our daughter busy goes hand in hand with maintaining our sanity. She's growing more independent each day. Luckily, this means she goes on rides without us. Like trains at the mall or race horses at Safari Park.

My favorite animal to see in the zoo is the Barbary Apes. These are some smart, funny apes. In the picture, I'm holding a granola bar that the ape wants me to throw to him. When he realized I wouldn't, he spit at me! The first time I came across Barbary Apes was in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The ape there would throw poop at you if you didn't give him food.
Finally large enough to ride her tricycle, our daughter does so with speed. She loves riding it all over the neighborhood and wants to venture out in the heavier traffic of our larger neighborhood - something we have not yet let her do. It can be difficult to get over the speed bumps if she slows down, but she is ever determined. On one of our walks, she didn't get over it the first time and then, out of the blue, she looked up at me and said with great authority and conviction "I can DO this!" She pedalled as hard as she could and made it over. That determination will help her go far in life, I hope.
Sounds like she's got her dad's determination and dare-devil spirit!
Those apes might be on to something...I've never tried the poop throwing thing when people wouldn't feed me. HMMMMM...
I see so much of both you and your wife in your daughter. She is going to do very well. DvB
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