The rest of the day and the flight were uneventful - until we arrived in Jakarta. The line at immigration was horrendous. For those of you who have been, you'll understand when I say that the lines extended to the top of the last set of stairs before reaching the ground floor. Adding more agents eventually expedited our processing, but more passengers kept arriving, and the lines just kept getting longer.
Thankfully, our line seemed to move faster than most. That is, until it was the turn of a woman wearing a burqa. Imagine, you are an immigration agent and need to verify the person in the passport is the person trying to gain access and the person is wearing a cover on their face they refuse to remove. How would you identify them? In this case, it was fingerprints. The agent scanned her passport, which must have had her fingerprints, and then asked her to place her hand on a scanner. It was interesting to witness.
Here are the pictures I promised:
View from Hotel (Notice all the boats in the second picture. Singapore is a major port)
Pictures from the restaurant:

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