Maybe now my wife will stop saying I'm not posting pictures of her. Here is the first (or second) sign of the baby-bump. We have the ultrasound pictures, too, but I don't have a scanner. We won't know the gender for a few more weeks. You'll know because my blog will be either blue or pink that day. If it's purple - worry.
We ended up not going anywhere exciting over the weekend - unless you consider shopping for cheap trinkets exciting. Don't count me among the trinket enthusiasts. On Saturday, instead of going to Tanjung Lesung - the nearest clean beach, we instead went to Mangga Dua - where you can buy a men's polo shirt for $3. The mall has about 80 shops per floor and 10 floors. Thankfully, we only visited every shop on three floors. By then, my daughter had had enough and I was ready to start listening to Barry Manilow, which was a step up on the excitement dial.
Sunday we visited the American Club. They had a few items in their grocery store that we can't find elsewhere, but the bagels weren't that good and the facilities didn't offer anything more than we can get at our own Kemang Club. We're debating if it is worth becoming members or not. I'm voting no, but, since we're in Jakarta for my job, I get one vote and my wife gets three.
On the way back from Mangga Dua, we saw an advertisement for Disney's Princess on Ice. It is in town until this Wednesday. We bought tickets to see it tomorrow night. After we had purchased them I realized it will probably be entirely in Indonesian. Should be interesting to see how it is.
Your wife's stomach looks more like mine now (and I'm not pregnant, haha)! I hope it's another girl! ;-)
This was not my idea of the picture I wanted up for public viewing! Maybe we'll have to take another one to replace this.
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