Sunday, April 19, 2009

Safari Park Pictures

Last week, we went to Safari Park. I blogged about it here in the "Kemang Club Villas" section. Safari Park is a large zoo with incredible animal interactions. It starts with the section that you drive through. If you buy carrots from the street vendors on the way up, you have the opportunity to feed many of the animals in the park.

Some of the animals are better seen from a distance, though the park rangers don't mind getting closer.

The drive takes about 45 minutes. The road ends at a parking lot with access to other sections of the park - one of which allows you to have much closer interaction with the animals. By now, I have no problem walking right up and hugging the animals. My daughter, on the other hand, still prefers the view from a distance. With enough persuading, though (basically, telling her if she smiles she can leave), she'll pose for the picture.

Once she saw mom and grandma get up close and personal, though, she felt much braver.

Eventually we did find an animal that was much more her speed.

Though still afraid of animals, mechanized adventures with seat belts do not phase her. In addition to the animals, Safari Park also has a small amusement park, a few animal shows (dolphins, birds) and were in process of building a water park. The blurriness you see is not a camera issue. These rides were actually going that fast. Seriously.

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