Sunday, January 16, 2011

Catching up

With the holidays over, we've been getting back to our normal routines, and establishing some new ones.  Our busy week now follows this routine:
  • Monday - Daughter in drawing class and Tae Kwon Do
  • Tuesday - Daughter has piano lessons, I play soccer from 7-9, my wife takes my son to Gymboree
  • Wednesday - my wife and son have swim class, and then it's date night
  • Thursday - Daughter has dance class and then ballet and I have Rugby (touch)
  • Friday - Family movie night
  • Saturday - Family activity and my wife and I usually go out for dinner
  • Sunday - stay at home and I have tennis in the afternoon
Last week, my daughter and I did something together I haven't done since my freshman year in college; something you wouldn't expect to do in Jakarta, Indonesia.  We went ice skating!  One of the malls has an ice skating rink and we took advantage of our first free weekend in several months to pay a visit.  As expected, my daughter struggled at first, but by the end of our hour on the ice, she was able to complete one lap around unassisted!  She was amazing.

 Throughout the week, I've been teaching our kids some favorite activities from my childhood:  wrestling, football, soccer.  My son isn't quite sure what to make of it all, but he sure does enjoy wrestling his sister - especially if she tries to take away his blocks.  He also has found a new activity of his own he really enjoys.

This Saturday, we tried to go see the new Yogi Bear movie.  The website said the movie started at 11:30 AM so we arrived with enough time to drop our son and nanny off at the indoor playground, get some popcorn, and watch the movie.  Of course, the actual showtime of the movie was at 10:30 PM.  The ONLY showing of the movie was at 10:30 PM.  For a kid's movie.  Then today, she went back to the same theater with her friend to see Tangled for a second time.  They arrived in time for the movie, only to learn that the movie theater was closed for renovations.  Lesson learned:  don't believe the website, make a phone call.

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