Sunday, April 3, 2011

Just the way you like it

One of the benefits of living in Jakarta is the ability to custom order just about anything because, as long as the materials are local, both the labor and materials are extremely inexpensive.  Though we have yet to purchase the two pieces of furniture we planned on buying before we even moved here -  a dining room table and an armoire - we have taken advantage of our ability to have items custom made.

For Christmas last year, I brought a tailor a pair of dress slacks I really like, selected three fabrics, and, a week later, I had three more pairs of pants in the exact style.  Lately, we've become more creative.

First was a custom crib.  We didn't plan on having a third child (initially) after our son was born, so we sold or gave away most of the infant needs - including the temporary crib we purchased.  With a new child on the way, we needed a new one.  This time, we decided we wanted something that could be a family heirloom.  Below is the result.  The writing on the side reads "Sweet Dreams", in Indonesian.

The second happened when our maid damaged one of my dress shirts.  Just one tiny spot of over-bleaching, right over the heart, and I could no longer consider it a shirt for work.  It was still in great condition, and I didn't want to part with it.  Instead, we hired a tailor to turn it into a conductor's outfit for our son.

Finally, with my lack of flexibility and twenty extra pounds, I find it hard to sit down on the marble floors to play with the kids.  I much prefer the more active activities we do outside.  Alas, my daughter always wants to play with the doll house.  I had two choices - wait until my flexibility and joints could accommodate being on the floor, or find a way to bring the floor to me.  I opted for the latter.  I had an idea about a table that would grow with the kids.  With help from my Austrian visitor in January (an engineer by trade), I designed a table that expands both horizontally and vertically.  It's meant to be a standing table both today and when they are in high school.  The top itself has an additional leaf to add to the center and the legs are telescopic.  Pretty cool!  Now that we have it, there are a few design changes I would make (like, not allowing the legs to come completely out - makes standing it up a challenge, and wheels that lock).  Overall, I like it.


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