Thursday, April 16, 2009

42nd Anniversary - A Culture Share

Today was an interesting day at work. 16 April, 2009 marked the 42nd anniversary of our company in Indonesia. Every year, our company celebrates the anniversary in a unique way. First, at 6:30 AM, a large contingent of the corporate office - which must have a representative sample of every department - takes a bus from the corporate office to the cemetery where the company's founder is buried. Here, the crowd pays their respects and then boards a bus back to the office.

At lunch today we had guests of honor - past presidents and the daughter of the company's founder. Everyone gathered in the company lunchroom - which happens to be on my floor. A host introduced the administrative head of our organization who provided a brief history of the organization over the years. Then, the host introduced the daughter of the founder, who also spoke briefly about what the company has meant to her and her family - especially her father. Finally, we shared in a Muslim prayer to bless the food, the company, and the employees prior to consuming an Indonesian feast. Of course, I'm only picking up every 10th word or so as all of the speeches were in Indonesian. I also, apparently, have the "Bule" disease. I arrived at the event with my management team. I sat in the second row, they all sat behind me in the third row, which then meant two seats to the left and the right of me were the only vacant seats in the house the whole time. I have a stuffy nose, so maybe I just couldn't smell my own BO.

This weekend will be an interesting time for us. Friday, our complex is having a belated Easter celebration for the kids. It takes place at 3 PM, so I won't be able to attend, and includes an egg hunt and other events for the kids. On Saturday, we're making the 2 hour drive the closest clean beach to Jakarta. Sunday we'll finally head over to the American Club and see if we can have some bagels and sample their Mexican restaurants. This weekend I'll finally upload some more pictures.

Speaking of which, my wife accused me of not loading any pictures of her from here they are.

1 comment:

Wonder Woman said...

I always told you that you just never listened!