Sunday, March 27, 2011

We've Gone Hollywood?

I've been playing rugby (touch) now for over a year on Thursday nights.  I know all the guys, generally, but none of them very well.  Their lifestyle of hard partying and travelling rugby tournaments doesn't exactly align well with mine.  Apparently I need to pay better attention when I talk to them about their lives in Indonesia.

All of the guys I play with are expats.  The overwhelming majority are from Australia or New Zealand, many with the respective embassies.  There are a few Britons, another American and a few Canadians.  One of the Canadians, I thought, worked as a cameraman for local TV.  When we first met, that's what I took away from our conversation - that his parents spent a lot of time in Indonesia, he decided to stay, and he found employment in the TV industry behind the camera.

Apparently, he said IN FRONT of the camera.

When we had our house warming party, I wore my "Damn, I Love Indonesia" t-shirt.  One of my friends commented that the owner of the brand was a local celebrity.  When I wore the same shirt to rugby one night, the guy I thought was a camera man told me his friend owned the shop.  I didn't think much of it at the time.

At last week's rugby, I asked him:  "You said you were friends with the owner of the 'Damn, I Love Indonesia' shop, right?"

"Yes", he replied, "Vijay."

"Isn't he famous?", I asked.

"Famous?  No more so than I am.  We're on the same TV show", he replied.

Turns out, I've been playing rugby with a local celebrity.  He's been on the cover of the Indonesian version of People, his wedding was in all the headlines, they sold their wedding pictures to raise money for charity, and the birth of their baby was as big a deal as Suri Cruise.  I asked a few people on my staff if they'd ever heard of him, and all of the women fawned.  Apparently he was a fashion model who then starred in TV and movies.  All the women I work with want to meet him.  My wife says I have a man crush.

I've known a celebrity for over a year and had no idea (he has his own wikipedia page).  I guess I'm out of touch.

Maybe he can endorse my game for the iPhone?

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