Friday, September 10, 2010

Catching up

I've started and stopped this entry several times in the last few days.  I've been struggling to find anything to say.  Part of the problem is I've been spending all my free time playing an online game, much to my wife's annoyance.  I finally asked tonight:  Is it better to have a hobby with no tangible benefit that keeps me at home and is free, or a hobby that has me away from home and costs money, but has a tangible benefit.  For the sake of argument, think online games vs. rock climbing or running.  At the moment, mostly due to ease of involvement, I've chosen the former.

A few updates I can provide:

My son is not quite saying words, but he is making his intentions clear.  He points at the things he wants, or the direction he wants you to take him.  He is also very mobile.  He stands on his own and walks with assistance.  It won't be long before he is walking on his own.  He also has taken to blowing kisses and waving at any smiling Indonesian woman.  I swear he'll grow up to marry an Asian woman.

My daughter has a new best friend, and a new "husband".  The new friend comes from the US.  Her father is a US Marine and her mother is from Australia.  Oddly enough, he grew up in Holland and went to Grand Valley State and graduated the same year I did.  His folks still live there.  Their daughter is the same age as ours and they have a son who is a few months older than our son.  He's here on a one year program the Armed Services offer for select enlisted men and women to spend a year traveling a country to learn the language and the customs as preparation for Embassy work.  Cool program.

The rain has been relentless.  It's rained every day, all different times of the day.  Luckily, no flooding yet.  It has made for extremely long drives home.  You don't know traffic until you've spent 45 minutes to go 2 miles.

Ramadan ended last week and the Idul Fitri holiday kicked off.  For us, this means no staff.  Our nanny went back to her village, or "pulang kampung", last week Friday and our maid left this week Wednesday.  They do not return until 20 September.  Well, if they return at all.  Our nanny may not be coming back.  Her husband found a job in their village and has insisted she stay home now.  She plans to try to negotiate with him.  One of our drivers seems to think she'll be back.  I don't.  Wives listen to their husband's demands around here.

Last week also marked the first time I've been able to review a prototype of the game I invented for the iPhone.  I am very excited.  We haven't spent much time on the graphics yet, but all the logic required for the game to work is functioning.  I think we are about 1 month from launch.  If you have an iPhone, or know someone who does, I'm going to ask that you spend the $1 we'll be selling it for to help us reach the best seller list in its first week.

One last thing.  On the right side of my blog, I have links to other blogs.  A good friend of mine has recently rebranded his blog to  It is a great blog that I check out several times a week.  I recommend you do too.

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