Sunday, March 28, 2010

Four-year-old vocabulary

As children learn to speak in the language of their parents, there are bound to be some humorous, sometimes innovative, mistakes.  Here are some from our daughter:

1)  Yesternight noun - same as yesterday, only in the evening.  Could also apply to any past event that occurred at night.
2)  Hanisizer - noun - Hand Sanitizer.
3)  Farmer John Cheese - noun - Parmesan cheese.  "Mom, can I have Farmer John Cheese with my spaghetti?"
4)  Credit Cards - noun - the pictures, names, and music that occurs at the end of a movie.
5)  Corrections - noun - Instructions or directions.
6)  Pumkin - noun - where Grandma and Grandpa live.  Most of us call it "Michigan".
7)  Lemalaid - noun - Lemonade

We find that rhymes, sing-song sayings, and concise words help our daughter learn.  Here are some sayings you may hear from her:

1)  We do what we have to do, so we can do what we want to do
2)  Wipe, flush, wash.
3)  Me, me, me is dull, dull, dull
4)  Red means stop, green means go, yellow means time to go slow
5)  Too much TV makes your brain not work
6)  Never get yourself into something you can't get yourself out of
7)  People don't remember what you did, they remember how you made them feel

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